Thursday, September 17, 2009

here we go again.

Depression. Seclusion. Suicidal thoughts that I can't control. Anxiety. Urges to self harm.

1 comment:

  1. I won't say it's weird, but I find it odd that lately I've been feeling the same. I've had problems before, been on anti-depressents and anti-anxiety meds, and I was happy. Doctor took me off of both and I was fine....for a while. I feel myself slipping more and more each day. I can't remember the last time my suicidal thoughts were this bad. Well, I can. I was on a certain med that was supposed to be and anti-depressent but it had the opposite effect on me. I stopped eating, stopped sleeping, stopped exercising, sat on the chair in the basement watching mindless television all day and all night. It was very very scary.
