Blind Love
Touching, holding, caressing
These things are clear in my mind
Loving, kissing, romancing
If you can’t see this, you must be blind
Drifting, roaming, wishing
But still you hurt me, causing my heart to break
Swearing, yelling, crying
But, no, I know this wasn’t a mistake
Missing, wanting, yearning
After all you’ve done
I still love you blindly
Aimee Bell 1997
Friends are the family
chosen by the heart
tied with bonds so tight
they'll never come apart
few are ever chosen
to come into my life
many are the ones
who have only twisted the knife
but you, my sweet friend
have showed me you're sincere
you're of my chosen family now
and in my heart you're always near
so, if you ever need me
just look deep inside your heart
I'll always be there with you
and there we'll never be apart
Aimee Bell 3-22-98
Does the moon
does the moon know
what my heart feels
does it hear my silent cries
screamed wordlessly in the night
do the stars hear my hopes and dreams
die of neglect and misuse
or does the dark absorb it all
diffuse it into the air
and then give way to light and day
forgotten by all but one
Aimee Bell 3-21-98
In your eyes
Those three words
come so easy to me
But to you there unspeakable
Sometimes I think you just don't care
But your actions make me see
The way you look into my eyes
Your fingers in my hair
It comes as no shock to me
That when i gaze into your eyes
I see those three words there
Aimee Bell 1997
An intrusion
of the soul -
body -
mind -
feelings never felt
never wanna feel again
close the
doors -
my heart
my body
Aimee Bell 3-21-98
Pain runs - deep - rooted fears
scalding tears fall - unheard -
fists balled tight turn inward -
pain turns to anger turns to hate -
hate turns to depression -
depression lingers -
pain hurts - good - blood will run -
calm comes unseen - unheard - undetected -
calm brings blackness -
with blackness comes understanding -
understood to late
Aimee Bell 3-21-98
You threw me down
Onto the shag carpet
You forced yourself on me
And told me I’d like it
You ripped me wide open
With your probing body
And hit my face
Each time I cried out in pain
And after you reached your climax
You spat on my face
And left me lying there, bleeding
With a lifetime of scars
In Between
Love is non-existent
Hate lives in its place
And where the beautiful thoughts once lived
Is now only empty space
Rage kills happiness
Pain kills dreams
And here I am
Stuck somewhere in between
Untitled 3
Eyes wide closed
falling to deep
to fast
to far
feelings fly by
Eyes open tight
just beyond reach
hides tauntingly
quietly slips by
is it a feeling
never yet felt
or a phantom
from the past
to haunt again
Aimee Bell 3-21-98
Untitled 2
Your eyes
Deep as the ocean
Tell the truth
Words unspoken
Just below the surface
Will you
Speak these words
to me?
Aimee Bell 3-22-98
Wandering lost afraid
Through this nightmare
Called life
Days passing by
Sand through the fingers
Slipping away
Monotonus repetition
It’s all the same
Drugs ease the pain
Make it all better
Until it’s not
Other means of making it
All go away
Come to mind
But thoughts are fleeting
Friends are there
And then
They’re not
You can’t rely on anything
Even yourself
Aimee Bell 10-11-99
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